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Sage Homes Inc – #8

3973 NW 183rd Street, Clive | (515) 410-9410 |

Sage Homes Inc


4 Years

3973 NW 183rd Street, Clive, IA

We are passionate about building homes. Our outstanding team partners with some of the best people in the business. Together, we strive to create a great experience, a quality product, and happy homeowner each and every day. We believe this is the key to your happiness, our success, and the lasting value of your home.
For 10 years, Sage Homes has been building quality homes throughout the Des Moines metro. Our company was founded on the idea that your new home should be as unique as you & your family. That’s why we allow all our clients to fully customize not only the design of their finishes, but the floorplan itself. With a streamlined design process, solid communication, and a top notch group of both team members and trade partners, we are proud to be the homebuilder of choice for so many Des Moines area homeowners.

Watching everyone’s homes come together on the tight timeline, and seeing the areas in which different builders have chosen to pull out all the stops. Its fun to work on a project like this where we can sometimes decide the budget is not the most important thing.

Amongst other things, we have a really fun and unique kids area in the basement, and a really awesome pool house.

Sub-Contractors for this project

Category Company
Architecture Beisser Lumber Co
Building Materials Beisser Lumber Co
Cabinets CKF
Ceramic Tile The Flooring Guys
Closet Shelving A Tech/Easy Living Store
Drywall Contractor JC Drywall
Electrical Contractor Kline Electric Inc
Fireplace Aspen Aire Inc
Garage Doors/Openers WD Door
Glass/Mirrors Black Rooster Glass LLC
Heating/Cooling Aspen Aire Inc
Interior Design Sage Homes Inc
Internet Provider Mi-Fiber
Irrigation/Sprinkler CLK Lawn Care
Paint Color Selection Sage Homes Inc
Painting Supplies Sherwin-Williams
Plumbing Contractor Royal Plumbing
Roofing Materials Gannon Roofing Supply
Sewer Contractor Royal Plumbing
Siding Supplier Beisser Lumber Co
Sound System Kline Electric Inc
Wood Flooring The Flooring Guys