Beyond self-evident aspects, what are some of the less obvious opportunities for maximizing space in your home through thoughtful design? BEDROOMS. Doors swinging into a bedroom may interfere with how… Continue reading MAXIMIZING SPACE THROUGH THOUGHTFUL HOME DESIGN

9 Ways to Increase Home Energy Efficiency

Managing heating costs doesn’t mean you have to set your thermostat way down. There are a few simple you can take to keep your Des Moines home cozy throughout cold… Continue reading 9 Ways to Increase Home Energy Efficiency

How To Maximize Your Entertainment Spaces

How To Maximize Your Entertainment Spaces Entertainment happens everywhere throughout your home; but, great entertainment spaces can entertain several parties in one location. Setting up various zones within the same… Continue reading How To Maximize Your Entertainment Spaces

Why Not So Big House Principles Are More Important Than Ever Before

Design by Jillian Lare, Photo by Justin Salemn-Meyer

The Not So Big House, A Blueprint for the Way We Really Live, by Sarah Susanka was originally published in 1998. Twenty-two years later, as Americans struggle with a global… Continue reading Why Not So Big House Principles Are More Important Than Ever Before